Account Payable Summary : It shows the record of how much amount of purchase done from each of the vendors.
Vendor Balances : It records the overall purchase starting from the opening balance of the vendor, how much amount we have paid and how much amount is left to pay and in how many days as well as if there is any debit note then it also shows the record of the same.
Aging Summary : It shows the record of how much payment we have to do, in how many days and to whom.
Aging Details : It shows the detail record of the bills which are due. And how much we have to pay in how many days and to whom as well as it also show how much amount we have paid as well as how much amount is left to pay.
Bill Details : It shows the detail record of all the bills we have paid or left till the date. It shows the detail record of how much amount of bill is , bill's due date as well as the amount we have paid to whom and how much amount is left or its due.
Payment Made : It shows the record of all the payments done to all the vendors till now and amount of bill paid and if we have given amount in advance or not.
Refund History : It shows the record of all the vendor credit or debit note and of what amount.
Purchase Order Details : It shows the record of the purchase order we have sent to the vendor and it also shows whether the order is billed or open and what is the amount of the purchase order.
Purchase Order by Vendor : It shows the record of the purchase order done to each of the vendor. It means that the purchase order is given to which of the vendor and What is the amount.
Most Valuable Vendor : It shows the record of the vendors from whom we have done highest purchase in amount.
Bill Payments : It shows detail record of how the payment is done and through which source.
Last updated