Add Payment Made

  • Payment made is used by the company to make the payment to the vendor for the product they have purchased.

  • Payment made used in two ways i.e. to record the payment made to the vendor as well as the payment done in the advance by the company to the vendor.

  • In payment made the company records the payment did to the vendor on the basis of the product they have send to company and the software gives the two option i.e. one is to select the bank transaction to reconcile and second is visible when you select the vendor name that is to attach file.

  • In Vendor advance the company paying in advance payment and telling the vendor to set off in the next order. The vendor advance after generated gives the main two option of whether they want to apply for the bills or refund it .


  • Account : In this field, from where the payment is done can be selected from here. The account which is selected will be credited and the accounting effect will be seen in that account. It is as per the choice of company from where they want to do payment.

  • Vendor : This field is used to select the name of the vendor to whom the payment should be done and if the company wants to add new name of the vendor then it can done from here.

  • Date : The day on which the payment is done by the company to the vendor will be written over here.

  • Payment Mode : In this field, the payment mode is selected i.e. how the company want to do the payment to the vendor will be selected from here.

  • Amount : In this field, the total amount which should be paid to the vendor by the company should be written over here.

  • The payment made provide the features of the Print, Download PDF and delete it.

  • The company has only one option of attach file while editing or creating the vendor advance. The other features included in it are the Download PDF, print and delete.

  • The payment made which is generated can be deleted also and the advance payment once billed cannot be paid whether it is partially or fully.

  • In payment made one more feature is there which is regarding the payment to be done to bill to bill or the balance only.

  • Bill to bill means to pay the full amount of bill and clear the payment while the balance only means to pay whichever amount the company wants to pay to the vendor.

Last updated