Add Vendor

  • The contact module is used to save the contact of the customer as well the vendor of the company.

  • The contact of the vendor includes all the information of the vendor which includes basic info, address of the company, bank details, TDS, etc.


  • Primary Name : In this field, the actual name of the vendor is written.

  • Contact Name : In this field, the contact name means the name of the company or the vendor is written.

  • Contact Display Name : In this field, the contact name means the name of the company or the vendor whichever you want to see in the display of the contact. The name which the company will write in the contact name will be written over here also.

  • Payment Terms : In this field, payment terms or how much due the company is allowed for the payment can be decided from here.

  • GST Treatment : In this field, the company will write or select in which category the vendor will fall of the GST.

  • GST Number : In this field, the company will write the GST number of their vendor.

  • Address : In this field, the address of the customer is written and the company can also write the shipping address. If the billing and address and shipping address is same company can just click on the copy.

  • Bank Details : In this field, the bank details of the vendor will be written which includes branch name, bank name, IFSC code and Account No.

  • TDS : In this field, it is selected that whether to apply TDS on customer or not.

  • The features provided to the company are Print, Download PDF and mail.

  • Once the transaction has been done then in a vendor then the vendor cannot be deleted.

  • By double clicking the company can see all the transaction of the vendor done till now as well as the company can also know the bills pending for the payment.

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